12-channel Stress electrocardiograph Touch ECG HD+-جهاز رسم قلب بالمجهود 12 قناة

The Cardioline Touchecg ECG is a new 12-track electrocardiographic concept based on tablet PC, touch screen and easy-to-use wireless cable.Warranty period: 1 yearFor more information or to contact the sales specialist, click on WhatsApp WhatsApp

3 & 6-CHANNEL stress ECG WITH GRAPHIC DISPLAY-جهاز رسم القلب بالمجهود 3&6 قناة

CARDIOPOINT-ERGO BTL-08 SD3, SD6Warranty period: 1 yearFor more information or to contact the sales specialist, click on WhatsApp WhatsApp

3 & 6-CHANNEL stress ECG WITH GRAPHIC DISPLAY-جهاز رسم القلب بالمجهود 3&6 قناة

CARDIOPOINT-ERGO BTL-08 SD3, SD6Warranty period: 1 yearFor more information or to contact the sales specialist, click on WhatsApp WhatsApp

12-channel Stress electrocardiograph Touch ECG HD+-جهاز رسم قلب بالمجهود 12 قناة

The Cardioline Touchecg ECG is a new 12-track electrocardiographic concept based on tablet PC, touch screen and easy-to-use wireless cable.Warranty period: 1 yearFor more information or to contact the sales specialist, click on WhatsApp WhatsApp